This site highlights emerging technologies from Stardock and shows how corporate clients can benefit from these.
“The Official Xbox skin for Windows Media Player is a perfect example of how The Skins Factory can take a company’s brand and create a marketing tool that the end-user will readily embrace.” said Jeff Schader, President and Founder of The Skins Factory, Inc. “This type of personalized marketing can be applied to other areas with strong fan-bases including music artists, movies, televisions or businesses.”

“For Microsoft’s Xbox skin, we strove to create a look that really emphasized the Xbox brand but still had a life of its own. What we came up with was an ergonomic style for the skin which we feel is an excellent companion to its “real-world” counterpart.”

Two downloads are available:
The Official X-Box Skin for Windows XP (Enhanced features) is available from

The Official X-Box Skin for Windows Media Player 7.1 (Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000) is available from

on Mar 11, 2002
Totally awsome skin. The best skin I've tried for any player. Eat that Winamp.
No, seriously, it's fabulous, well done once again Skin Factory!
on Mar 11, 2002
Has everybody seen how the viewer transforms for video mode?
Use it to play an AVI file for example.
Great job, Skins Factory!